We meet weekly on Mondays at the Carroll Center for the Blind's Tech Center in Newton Center from 7-8:30pm !

(except for the first Monday of the month where meeting is conducted via Zoom)

Our Scoutmaster is David Ismay and our Assistant Scoutmasters are Paul Niwa, Joe Frassica and Nish Jobanputra.

Our Emeritus Scoutmasters are Jim Janosky and Paul Roberts, both of whom remain actively involved!

For more information, contact Scoutmaster David Ismay at

To signup online as a Scout Youth or Adult Leader, click here: BSA Youth and Adult Application Link

Scouts BSA is the traditional Scouting experience where boys and girls can have their share of adventure in the great outdoors! Develop a love of service by volunteering in your community, boost your leadership skills through fun and exciting challenges, and create memories of a lifetime with no prior Scouting experience required!

We were chartered in 1911, just one year after the Boy Scouts of America began. We are among the oldest continuously chartered Scout Troops in the country.

Troop 205 is a BSA-registered "Male Troop" open to boys who are 11, or are at least 10 years old and have completed the fifth grade or have earned the Cub Scout Arrow of Light Award, through 17 years old. Boys experience a vigorous outdoor program and peer group leadership with the counsel of an adult Scoutmaster to achieve the BSA's objectives of developing character, citizenship, and personal fitness. Camping, fun with friends -- and more! It’s the adventure of a lifetime.

For girls interested in BSA Scouting, we recommend the two "Female Troops" currently registered in Newton, MA. They include Troop 209 Union Church of Waban (Contact Sangeet Srikanth at ) and Troop 355 Our Lady Help of Christians Church ( Contact Holly Peterson at